
What types of research can I take part in?

Join Us has helped support recruitment for over 70 research studies since 2021. As a disease-agnostic register, we support recruitment for a wide range of topics. So, what are the types of research you can take part in?


Celebrating 4000+ Participants: A Milestone for Join Us

Join Us is celebrating a huge milestone this July; we now have over 4,000 participants to our national non-profit research register. This incredible achievement reflects the growing commitment of Australians to contribute to meaningful health research and improve health outcomes for all.


Introducing Our Referral Program

The Join Us Referral Program is designed to make it easy for new participants to get involved in health research in Australia and support local organisations that are meaningful to them. By registering through specific tracked links, new participants can contribute to vital health research, while also directly supporting causes close to their hearts. A win-win!


Join Us Supports Its 60th Study!

Join Us is celebrating a notable milestone this month – the national research register has helped support recruitment for 60 research studies!

Participant story

Joanne’s story

Find how getting involved in research helped Joanne avoid more surgery.

Participant story

Brooke’s story

Find out how Brooke beat SCAD and changed for so many like her across the world.

Participant story

Jayden’s story

Find out how Jayden was saved by an incredible medical breakthrough only made possible through years of research and trials in Australia.

Register your interest

    Please sign up on Join Us here
    You need to be registerd to deterime if you quilify for the study