Predictors of Engagement in Mindfulness Meditation Practice in People with High Anxiety

The University of Tasmania's Cog Neuro Lab is looking at how aspects of mental health, personality, beliefs and typical ways of responding impact engagement in mindfulness in individuals with anxiety.

Study Description/Purpose

Researchers form the University of Tasmania’s Cog Neuro Lab are looking at how aspects of mental health, personality, beliefs and typical ways of responding impact engagement in mindfulness in individuals with anxiety.

What’s Involved

The research involves one online session (around 1 hour) on your own computer where you will complete some questionnaires and an attention task, followed by practicing mindfulness meditation using an ‘app’ on your own mobile phone for two weeks (around 10 mins per day).

For more information, and to complete the screening survey, please visit:

Disease or condition

General Anxiety

Recruitment criteria

In order to be included in the study, participants must:

  • be aged 18-40 years,
  • be experiencing high levels of generalised anxiety (based on a pre-screening questionnaire),
  • have their own Android or iPhone smartphone in order to download and use the mindfulness meditation app
  • not have used used an illicit substance on more than 6 occasions in the past 6 months
  • have no serious physical or neurological conditions


Participants will receive a $30 giftpay voucher OR, if you are a psychology undergraduate at UTAS, you can receive 3 hours research participation credit.

Study sponsor / funder

Research team contacts

Monique Williams

Ethics number: 24623

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