Developing a New Model of Care for Prostate Cancer Screening

A team at the Sydney School of Public Health are conducting a research study developing a new model of care for prostate cancer screening. The researchers are inviting men, their partners, and GPs to assist them with this process.

Study Description/ Purpose

Australia has the highest prostate cancer screening rates in the world. But recent estimates show that more than 40% of prostate cancers identified through screening are overdiagnosed. These cancers would not have caused symptoms or problems during a man’s lifetime, yet they are detected and treated, often causing ongoing debilitating and burdensome side effects.

Delayed prescribing, also known as ‘wait-and-see prescribing’, is a new and highy-effective approach towards antibotic use. GPs make available an antibiotic prescription during consultation, but ask the patient to delay its use to see if symptoms will resolve first.

Researchers from the University of Sydney want to know if a similar approach can be used in prostate cancer screening; a delayed screening approach.

In this study, researchers will closely work together with men and GPs to identify the necessary parts of a delayed screening approach and ensure that these parts are made part of the treatment process.

What’s Involved?

If you are a man aged 45-60 years, and you have NOT ever had a prostate cancer diagnosis, please contact us to take part in one online 90-minute Zoom workshop (with other men) and researchers at the University of Sydney.

If you are a female partner and would also like to take part in a workshop (with other female partners), please contact us. We are only seeking female partners because we want to speak with those who are not making the decision about prostate cancer screening themselves.

If you would consider participating, please contact the research team so they can provide more detailed information. If your partner would also like to participate, please let us know.

Recruitment criteria

This research project is open to men:

  • aged 45-60 years,
  • who have NOT ever had a prostate cancer diagnosis

If you are a female partner and would also like to take part in a workshop (with other female partners), please contact the research team.

Study sponsor / funder

Research team contacts

Ms Jenna Smith

+61 2 8627 0095

Dr Kristen Pickles

+61 2 9351 2064

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